klu dah tade keje. ni le jdnye. haha~
1.If you could push one person off a mountain, who would it be?
= mereka yg jelik!
2.Does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes?
= mesti le. merokok membahayakan kesihatan
3.Do you get attached to people easily?
= erm ...tergantung
4. Have you lost or forgotten a friend's phone number?
= kerna nset ade phonebook. wa tak pernah ingat no org. haha~
5. What is the difference between the word 'best friend' and 'friend'?
= 'best friend' tuh kawan yg best 'friend' tu kawan jer.
6. Do you hide your emotions?
= erm ...yup n sometime no.
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
= right, left, top bottom, in da middle. never stop exploring beb!
8. When was the last time you got flowers?
= never
9. What's the favourite things you have?
= at this time, sebotol yogurt lam peti ais. haha~
10. What is a band/singer you will always love?
= mocca
11. Best type of bf/gf?
= bf/gf? apaan sih?
12. When is the last time you have a bf/gf?
= lupa. tak pernah rsnya
13. What is your favourite animal?
= wa rs cam nk bela angin dan api. can i?
14. Your dream vacation?
= UNICEF centre in Ulaanbaatar, europe, russia, indo china n list go on..:p
15. Worst injury you've ever had?
= knee ligament injuries